Online job postings have become an accessible, reliable source of real time labour market information, and an essential complement to traditional survey-based data. With our reporting tools, get real time answers to critical questions:

  • Where are the jobs?
  • Who is hiring?
  • What are employers looking for?
  • What education or emerging skills are in demand?
  • How have trends changed over time?

With 50+ customizable on-demand reports and visualizations, examine Canadian employment demand by

  • town, city, or region
  • Occupation (NOC)
  • Employer
  • Industry (NAICS)
  • Job Characteristics (full-time / part-time, contract / permanent, experience)
  • Educational requirements
  • Data Source
  • Skills and Certifications
  • Wages

With API (application program interface) solutions to power user-friendly tools, Vicinity Jobs has solutions for you and your audiences.

  • Tell curated stories and bring data to life with customized tools and experiences.
  • Download data to your own servers to power your own site and tools.
  • Enjoy seamless integration into your own data modelling and analytics systems.

Note. Users who successfully leverage our API typically have someone on their team who is familiar with JSON and HTTP. Our API documentation is ready for your review. Just ask!

Worxica is a FREE job market research tool.

Users of Worxica can get immediate insight on:

  • The demand for jobs?
  • Who is hiring?
  • Where are they hiring?
  • What skills and certifications did they require?
  • How much did they pay?

Check it out here!

Devices browsing website

Tools Powered by Vicinity Jobs

Launched by Fleming College, the Indigenous LMI platform captures information from thousands of Indigenous job postings. Users can explore Indigenous hiring demand by location, occupation, and specific employers. The system also shows these trends over time.

Canadian Job Trends Dashboard

Magnet’s Career information for Job Seekers allows users to explore opportunities for a specific location and occupation. Users are shown the top employers hiring, what they pay, and what skills and certifications they require.

Magnet is a free platform to support Canadian’s advance their careers. Sign up for free here.

Canadian Job Trends Dashboard

OpportuNext is an Online Career Transition Tool launched by The Conference Board of Canada and the Future Skills Centre. This free online tool is designed to help job placement professionals, jobseekers, and employers quickly and easily explore viable career transition pathways.

Try it here:

Canadian Job Trends Dashboard

Selected Research and Publications Informed by Vicinity Jobs

Spiteri, Suzanne. 2024. Decoding job postings: Improving accessibility for neurodivergent job seekers. Ottawa: Labour Market Information Council (LMIC).

The Dais. 2023. Digital Journeys: A Path Towards Digital Economic Empowerment for Indigenous Youths in Canada

Brookfield Institute. 2020. Building Pathways from Disruption to Employment.

Conference Board of Canada and Future Skills Centre. 2022. Green Occupation Pathways From Vulnerable Jobs to Rapid-Growth Careers.

Diversity Institute. 2016. Mapping the Innovation Ecosystem in Eastern Ontario.

Diversity Institute. 2020. Canadian Labour Demand Update: Analysis of Job Postings for the Fourth Quarter of 2020.

Diversity Institute. 2020. Labour Demand Trends During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Analysis of online job postings in Canada.

Diversity Institute. 2021. Job Posting Trends in Canada: 2021 Update.

Labour Market Information Council (LMIC). 2022. Developing Indicators for Skill Demand.

Labour Market Information Council (LMIC). 2022. Challenges and Opportunities in Leveraging Online Jobs Ads to Track Labour Shortages.

Labour Market Information Council (LMIC). 2021. LMI Insight Report no. 42: Under Pressure: Estimating the demand and supply for bilingual workers in Canada.

Labour Market Information Council (LMIC). 2020. LMI Insights Report no. 29: Making Informed Choices in an Uncertain and Changing Job Market.

Labour Market Information Council (LMIC). 2020. LMI Insight Report no. 32: Through the Looking Glass: Assessing Skills Measures Using 21st Century Technologies.

Labour Market Information Council (LMIC). 2020. LMI Insight Report no. 36: How Representative Are Online Job Postings?

Labour Market Information Council (LMIC). 2019. LMI Insights Report no. 14: Is this a skill which I see before me? The challenge of measuring skills shortages.

Labour Market Information Council (LMIC). 2018. Labour Market Information Best Practices Guide.

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