Partner Testimonials

  • We are a trailblazer in real-time labour market tracking — launched in 2006 — among the first in North America to deliver such services
  • Our solutions are built for Canada to reflect Canada’s unique labour market
  • We collect and process both French and English language data
  • Our data sources were selected carefully to best represent the Canadian labour market
  • Our reporting taxonomies are fully aligned with ESDC’s and Statistics Canada’s definitions.
  • Our data is trusted by Canadian thinktanks, government ministries, universities, colleges, municipalities, and non-profits.
Canadian Source of Labour Market Data

  • Demonstrated strong historic alignment of our data with Statistics Canada’s JVWS
  • External evaluations repeatedly show our approach to provide an unmatched degree of coverage and accuracy.
  • Our strict change management and data quality assurance (QA) procedures are integral to providing reliable insight.

  • Our data is transparent and fully verifiable
  • Our users can drill down to see the individual job postings of every metric that we report.
  • We are open about our data sources and approaches to data collection and processing, analysis and reporting.
  • We maintain and provide users with a detailed log of methodology and data sources.

  • We believe in building the capacity of our partners. This is baked into our services model.
  • Whether you are new to this space or an experienced data guru, we will meet you where you are.
  • We all benefit when more people and organizations understand how to use and interpret leading edge LMI.
VivinityJobs Inc. - Social Purpose Enterprise

  • As a social purpose enterprise, our priority is giving Canadian’s access to data and insight!
  • We work with our partners to keep costs manageable and sustainable over the long term.
  • Subscribe for ongoing access or purchase data as needed through custom queries.
  • There are very few restrictions on what subscribers can do with our data.
  • We want you to use our data! We know that means sharing it in reports and tools.

Vicinity Jobs is a data and analytics company dedicated to improving employment outcomes for Canadians. We are a social enterprise focussed on addressing Canada’s need for high frequency, reliable, community specific labour market information. We believe in using technology for the social good.

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